Monday, May 29, 2006

A Sour Weekend


The last weekend was one to remember, despite of working on saturday. This one was rather boring and long. Though dint feel like coming to office on a Manic Monday morning.

The talking point of the weekend for me was the way Michael Schumacher cheated in the Monaco Grand Prix. I wonder how desperate some people can get for success! They lose the battle with their ethics in that split second.

Socrates was once asked how to be successful. He took the person who questioned him by the river. Socrates held the person's head and pushed it under water. Took him out and pushed him again and again. After a couple of minutes, he asked the person what was it that he wanted when he was under water? The person replied "Air". Socrates smiled and said that to be successful, he should want success that badly.

However, I wonder if it is right to be so desperate for anything in life. For one, I believe absolutely nothing is worth such desperation. I believe the less we ask for in life, the happier we are. The lesser the expectations are from others, the more satisfied we are!

I dont say that one should not have ambitions or aspirations. Ofcourse one should. Else, there is no point of living. But to look no further beyond it or to see it as the end of your life if you dont achieve it is wrong. Rather, not worth it!

Read a beautiful line from J. W. Mariott in the morning. It said:
Good timber does not grow with ease. The stronger the wind, the stronger are the trees!



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