Thursday, May 04, 2006

An Interesting Training


Yesterday was a long boring day. A lot of time was spent on reading the PJ's in the orkut community and sending it to people. In regards to work, another couple of meetings, and some deliverables, all of which is getting mundane by the day!

Today, I had a training which turned out to be pretty good for me. It was boring, but worth it as at the end of it I won 50 bucks :-)

Guys who came late were fined, and the money collected sponsored us for a chocolate treat. The remaining money was split up for guys who would answer questions, and I happened to get lucky then!

Beyond the training, back to mundane work!!! Though its not bad, but looking forward to something more challenging. Hope my PL does not read this, or rather I hope he does!!

I am planning for a trip to Vaishnudevi in Mid-June - hope that turns out well!!

These days I am hitting to those string of questions again - what next, MBA or no MBA, starting something of my own, realizing some of the crazy ideas that I have, the one strong aim of my life - these too will pass with time for sure, as it is one of those phases again!

Pramod Mahajan passed away yesterday. Not too good a news as he was one of the decent guys among the corrupt!



Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Hmm I love the idea behind this website, very unique.

Anonymous said...

Nice idea with this site its better than most of the rubbish I come across.