Tuesday, April 24, 2007

When I Want To Write..

There are days when I want to write.
But words are hard to find.
I write in hope.
Hope to find the right words.
Words flow, and I get swayed away.
Swayed away in a maze.
A maze where I am lost.
Lost in my own thoughts.
Thoughts that provoke questions.
Questions that force retrospection.
Retrospection leads to introspection.
Introspection to further questions.
Suddenly I ignore the questions.
I choose to break free.
Break free from fear and doubt.
Move towards an eternal bliss.
Bliss that leads to an innocent pure joy.
Joy that is obvious.
Obvious from one look at the man in my mirror.
The man in my mirror assures me.
Assures me that someone knows me.
The assurance leads to satisfaction.
Satisfaction of existence.
Existence of a flame.
A flame that outlasts the night.
Night which is forced to surrender.
Surrender to a brand new day.
A day when I want to write.

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