Monday, June 15, 2009

Small Miracles..

Miracles happen and when they do, they ignite an endless smile that can only suprise others watching you.


In my quest to absorb the spirit and beauty of my city, Mumbai, I decided to take a bus to Colaba from Tardeo via Marine Drive. Having spent little time in Mumbai over the past year or so, I just enjoyed the ride, looking at the roads and streets that I have been travelling ever since I remember.


While I was so lost enjoying the city, I did not realise that I left my glasses in the bus when I had to get down. I did not let the loss disappoint me and carried on. An hour later I was ready to head back home, and wanted to take a bus ride again! I declined an offer to get dropped home and looked for a bus on the same route to return home.


A sight of Marine Drive from far, and I could not resist getting down from the bus and taking a stroll despite the afternoon sun! I sat down to look at the Scorpios on the famous rocks on Marine Drive. Over the past couple of years, the Scropios have become quite a regular sight and it complements the feeling that the place brings you.


After half an hour, I returned to the bus stop and hopped in the first bus that I got. In a crowded bus I spotted a familiar face in the TC. After confirming from him that he was the TC in the bus that dropped me to Colaba, I asked him if he spotted my glasses. He declined saying that he checked the bus after all the passengers got down, but did not find any items.


While the crowd receded, I started checking if I could find my eyes, and struggled. As the miracle would have it, the TC spotted my glasses next to a couple and I could not stop smiling at my luck! I could have got a new pair, but still, the incident was pretty amazing!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

u r disgustingly lucky!!!!!!!!!!!!!!