Saturday, September 02, 2006



I went to the Victoria Memorial Blind School today. The initiative is taken up by the Corporate Maitree Team, and after hearing about it for long, I got to be a part of it.

I made new friends in Sachin, Sachin, Aftab and Rohit apart from the TCSers.

These guys are quick and keen. They have a smile which is infectious, and an attitude which is enviable. Often we feel handicapped by circumstances when we ask God, 'Why me?'

These guys can choose to ask this question apart from other similar questions day in and day out, yet they dont. They embrace life without any complains, and they bring joy to beings like me!

It was a pleasure to teach them, spend time with them and just hear them. I can yet picture Aftab's smile and his beautiful voice. He is gifted with such a wonderful voice. I can yet hear "Subhan Allah" in my ears!

I wish God blesses my new friends!


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